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The Crucible Final Essay Topics
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Critical reflections on the Westphalian assumptions Essay
Reflection Piece Critical reflections on the Westphalian suspicions of universal law and association: an emergency of authenticity. In spite of the fact that the absence of world government, the vast majority concur that there is an assortment of standards and decides of direct that produce global law. Universal law has for the most part examinated from two different positions. At the point when force and interests conflicts, doubters consider global to be as an inconsequential and nonexistent. Particularly, the article of A. Claire Outler centers around this issue. However,others have at times considered universal to be as a solid device to sort out and change the conduct of states to improve things. The principle impotance or imperative of universal law is the clashing and for the most part questionable arrangements in worldwide settlements and shows. Likewise, legitimate framework comes up short on the necessary Juristiction and an embraced chain of command on the grounds that generally ground-breaking and created nations overlook and attempt to run way the constraints of universal law. I believe that this circumstance obviously shows the shortcomings of universal law. A powerful lawful code requires to get used to genuine conduct of people and states and make an effort not to basically revamp them as indicated by theoretical good standards. When all is said in done, pragmatist are increasingly dubious about the issue of universal law on the different hand,liberals and constructivist depend on it is, and ought to be, a critical power forming the conduct of states. To summarize, I feel that this article was an exceptionally helpful on the grounds that it shows the negative and positive parts of the issue plainly. Be that as it may, some piece of the article was somewhat one-sided about the legitimacy of universal law. It by and large spotlights on insufficiencies of universal law. I concur that there is absence of world government and universal law hasn’t mandatory Jurisdiction yet this doesn’t imply that worldwide law isn't genuine and essential law.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Scholarship Committee Essay
Grant Committee Essay Grant Committee Essay Austin Runkle To the individuals from the Scholarship Committee, I want to demand any accessible grants to help me in promoting my instruction. I live with just my mom who has assisted with setting up my three more established sisters for school. She did as well as could be expected to assist monetarily, be that as it may, they despite everything expected to take out critical advances. I realize my mom feels committed to assist me with my school costs despite the fact that she is running our home all alone. Any grants that I would get would not exclusively be of an extraordinary help to me, yet in addition to my mom realizing that I can make a solid effort to accomplish my fantasy without stressing over having enough cash to guarantee my having the option to proceed with my instruction. I feel that I have been an advantage for Reading High School for these previous four years. I have partaken in swimming and water polo each of the four years. I have been an individual from the Arxalma staff since tenth grade and the Editor in Chief my lesser and senior years. This will be my third year taking an interest in the school appear. I have likewise taken an interest in Knight Life since my sophomore year when I turned into an understudy at RHS. My mom has constantly urged me to get engaged with exercises and to make the best out of each understanding. This is the thing that I plan on doing as I leave Reading High for the following part in my life. As I make this promise to my next home, which is in all likelihood Penn State University, I intend to be as dynamic as could be expected under the circumstances and as
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Master Your Writing with Meredith Sue Willis
Master Your Writing with Meredith Sue Willis Meredith Sue Willis is a writer, teacher, reader, and the publisher of her own blog, Meredith Sue Willis: Writer and Teacher, at MeredithSueWillis.com. Willis is a proud member of the Appalachian Renaissance, whose published nonfiction and fiction books include Melis Way, Love Palace, and A Space Apart. She is also an assistant adjunct professor at New York Universitys School of Professional Studies. Her website offers valuable writing advice as well as a glimpse into Williss works and perspectives.For anyone looking to create, polish, and publish their work, the best place to go is always the source. Willis shares links to articles on how to improve ones writing, specifically for the novel-writing crowd. She also provides writing exercises and shows writing techniques. These resources come packaged on a site with links to Williss work and her own inspirations. The site even provides pages for younger writers, and there are links to pages made for teens and children. Aspiring writers looking for advice atop the shoulders of giants should check out Williss blog for these resources.Screenshot of MeredithSueWillis.com, which offers valuable writing advice as well as a glimpse into Williss works and perspectives.Aid and adviceWilliss Tips for Writers page includes links to articles inside the site and out. These articles cover a wide variety of specific-but-necessary topics to address for writers. Among these are tips on doing taxes for independent writers, advice on copyright law, and a self-publishing cost calculator. These resources cover serious topics on writing and more advice can be found elsewhere throughout the site.A QA section is included on this page. The author seems to have taken substantial time to give her thoughts on a few topics. She writes in detail about her writing process. For example, in answering one question, she states the importance of staying mindful of alliterations when writing. She says that she had almost named two characters Travis and Tyler, when, thinking of how the human brain functions, she decided to change Tyler to Harrison. After this, she realized that Harrison was a location in the book, so she changed it again. She writes:Coincidences abound in real life, but in fiction, we tend to expect everything to have meaning, and I didnt want this boy linked to a county.I did another search and replace, and at the moment the second boys name is Jason, but Im not absolutely satisfied with that either...MeredithSueWillis.comThis kind of advice gets to the essence of the value in lessons from an accomplished author. Starting out work as a writer can be daunting. The lessons included in Tips for Writers can help writers looking to get published. These tips cover every aspect of a writers life, from the deceptively mundane to the critical, like calculating self-publishing costs.ConsultationIf youve heeded this advice, but you need specific direction for your story, Willis provides manuscript consultations. On reque st, Willis will read manuscripts including short stories, novels, and memoirs. Willis clearly defines who these consultations can benefit:If you have difficulties with, for example, the English language, you probably want an editor. If you need weekly consultations and support, you almost certainly need a writing coach. If, however, you are looking for an experienced writer and teacher who knows some things about how to make novels and other prose narratives better, then consider MSWs services.MeredithSueWillis.comConsultations start at $200 and are dependent on Williss availability. Those who are interested can contact Willis through her email, which is available through the blog.Practice every dayMeredith Sue Willis is also a teacher on top of being a writer, and this experience lends itself to the teaching materials she provides on the blog. She says she offers writing exercises in her blog in the spirit of the Internet as a place of sharing and exchange. These exercises come str aight from the heart. There are 330 exercisesâ€"enough to provide writers with an exercise almost every day for a year. These exercises can help writers gain inspiration for a future project or simply build their skills and have fun for a spell. They span from the simple, like exercise #66, which asks writers to physically move to a different place to write; to the more grandiose, like exercise #211, which asks writers to work on a short spy thriller.In addition to these writing prompts, which provide short writing experiences, Willis provides online writing classes. The classes are done through email and they include written lectures, reading assignments, writing assignments, and one-on-one responses to homework. Students can work at their own pace in these classes, but they may turn in a total of 6,000 to 7,000 words in their assignments during these classes.Willis has taught at the university level, so there is real value in these classes. That said, classes run in the fall, Janu ary, and the summer, depending on Williss schedule, and they cost $45 to $60 per session. To sign on to the mailing list for the classes, go to the online writing workshops blog page. Testimonials from students on these classes are shown on the blog page.These classes appeal to writers looking to hone their writing skills. Willis requires a lot of time from students to complete these assignments, but this is offset by the offline format, which lets students complete assignments at their own pace. People who have not received formal instruction on novel writing and wish to get into the business can particularly benefit from these classes. If youre an aspiring writer looking for more practice and instruction, these classes may be for you, provided one is available.Kids and teensFor any aspiring young writers, Meredith Sue Willis provides resources for all reading and writing levels. The writer has taught not only in universities and online but also to grade school and high school stud ents. MSWs Page for Kids opens to a picture of Williss pet parakeet and offers a kid-friendly layout. Willis lists several books for kids, clearly passionate about encouraging reading at an early age, while also providing a medium for children to recommend their favorite books. Williss Page About Books and Writing for Teens contains resources dedicated to teens, as well as book recommendations.First and foremost, this is a blog about teaching adult writers to break into and excel in the publishing world. However, its never too early to start building writing skills and laying the groundwork for later writing successes. These tools allow children and teens to see what others have discovered in their quest to become better writers and readers and receive advice from an accomplished writer. Anyone looking to direct younger writers to a valuable resource for building their skills would do well in showing them these sites.Meredith Sue Williss website helps younger writers build their wri ting skills.Links and suchIn lieu of a traditional blog roll, Meredith Sue Willis provides resources throughout the website. On the Articles, Lectures, Online Reading, and Websites for Readers and Writers page, Willis provides an expansive set of links that writers can scroll through to address whatever problem they may encounter. This article link page serves as a good substitute for an updated blog roll. Writers would do well to bookmark this page and come back to it later.Links on this site include a TED-Ed video on building fictional worlds, an article on the pet peeves of literary agents (dont leave grammatical mistakes in your letters), a link to a website that can provide more resources for writers, an abundance of articles on the future of book publishing (its uncertain), and news articles.These links inform readers and writers of important developments in the writing world and can teach them how to survive in it.Writing samplesThe authors writing samples are posted througho ut the site for aspiring writers and readers alike. On this same page, blog visitors can discover Williss biography and upcoming events, they can find links to excerpts of her work. Entire short stories like Evenings with Dotson can be found on this page.The final chapterMeredith Sue Williss blog is a great resource to seek writing advice, discover stories worth your time, and even find services that will improve your writing. It is so much more than a simple portfolio for an accomplished author.The site can provide advice on all aspects of a writers life to anyone wanting to become a published author. It provides links and on-site tutorials on different aspects of a writers life. Additionally, if you want to improve your writing, you can find information on joining one of Williss writing classes, if youre looking for advice on a story youre working on, you can find information on a manuscript review.Readers and even younger writers can find a home here. Willis provides free writing samples to her works and reading recommendations. She maintains websites for teens and children that give book recommendations, show publishing houses that accept books from younger readers and writers, and display reviews from those younger readers and writers.Meredith Sue Willis: Writer and Teacher succeeds in teaching and serving as a versatile resource for readers and writers young and old, experienced and amateur.
Friday, May 22, 2020
American Stereotypes of China - 970 Words
US writer Todd C. Ames concludes his two-part discussion of the ways in which Chinese and Americans think of each other, and the most common misunderstandings that arise AMERICANS dont know much about China. What they do know comes from three main sources: movies, the news, and history classes. This can be a sensitive subject, and I do not wish to offend anyone - my goal is only to give you an overview of American stereotypes of China. Just as I have encountered many stereotypes that the Chinese have of America (some accurate, some absurd, some insulting), one can similarly encounter American stereotypes of China in the US. - All Chinese know kungfu and dress like Huang Feihong. (Source: Jet Li, Jackie Chan, and Bruce Lee [Li Xiaolong]†¦show more content†¦And I would put China and the US in one category. - All Western countries are basically the same. This stereotype is the mirror of the American stereotype that all Eastern countries (China, Japan, Korea, etc.) are basically the same. Both stereotypes are completely false and are purely based on the perception that all foreigners look alike. - Most American college students dont study, party all of the time, and are ignorant of the outside world. This stereotype is pretty accurate. - Every American owns a gun. Roughly 25 per cent of American adults own a gun, which is extremely high compared to most other countries. But still, the vast majority of Americans do not own guns. Food In general, Americans love Chinese food. Chinese and Italian food are probably the two most popular types of food in the US. However, most of the Chinese food you will find in US restaurants is Americanized. You probably wont find things like stomach or intestines on the menu. Also, pork is not so popular in the US. Beef and chicken are much more popular in the US than pork. So dont be surprised if many Americans you meet dont like pork. One food stereotype that I have encountered among Chinese (and everyone else outside the US) is that all Americans eat McDonalds. I dont have any friends who like McDonalds. I hate it. Everyone I know hates it. I think McDonalds is probably more popular in other countries than it is here in the US. Of course, it is popular toShow MoreRelatedMedia Bias And Stereotypes : A Long Way Of Justify The Truth1534 Words  | 7 PagesMedia Bias and Stereotypes: a long way to justify the truth In the twenty-first century, China accomplishes great achievements in its economy, technology and diplomacy. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
Japanese Writing Systems
Kanji was introduced to Japan nearly 2,000 years ago. It is said that 50,000 kanji characters exist, though only about 5,000 to 10,000 are commonly used. After W.W.II, the Japanese government designated 1,945 basic characters as Joyo Kanji (commonly used kanji), which is used in textbooks and official writings. In Japan, one learns about the 1006 basic characters from Joyo Kanji, in elementary school. A lot of time is spent at school learning kanji. It would be very helpful for you to learn all the Joyo Kanji, but the basic 1,000 characters are sufficient to read about 90% of the kanji used in a newspaper (about 60% with 500 characters). Since childrens books use less kanji, they would be a good resource to practice your reading. There are other scripts to write Japanese beside kanji. They are hiragana and katakana. Japanese is commonly written with a combination of the all three. If you want to learn Japanese writing, start with hiragana and katakana, then kanji. Hiragana and katakana are simpler than kanji, and have only 46 characters each. It is possible to write an entire Japanese sentence in hiragana. Japanese children start to read and write in hiragana before making an attempt to learn some of the two thousand kanji commonly used. Here are some lessons about Japanese writing. Hiragana LessonsKatakana LessonsKanji Lessons
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Risks and Responsibilities of Coaching Free Essays
string(33) " under the control of the coach\." The purpose of this paper is to look at the area of risk management with reference to the sport of swimming. There is no doubt that the ability to prevent any types of injury to athletes is of the utmost importance. The safety of the athletes should therefore be the primary concern of both facility managers and coaches. We will write a custom essay sample on Risks and Responsibilities of Coaching or any similar topic only for you Order Now By working together, one would hope, that all unnecessary injuries could be prevented. One of the most severe injuries that can occur is that of a spinal injury. The area of prevention that addresses this issue is that of spinal injury management and it will be looked at more closely later in this paper. Even with all the extra emphasis in this day and age on safety issues, these kinds of injuries are still far too prevalent. In 1996, Michael Berger and Judith Middleton state that in the United Kingdom, there are around 40,000 children each year that suffer from head injuries. Some of these individuals will have received severe injuries, in that they will have been unconscious for at least 20 minutes and so will most likely have suffered brain damage. The sport of swimming has the obvious danger of drowning. There are also potential risks of spinal injuries caused by collisions with the floor of the pool, the walls in the pool and other swimmers. Many other injuries can be the result of a slippery deck or training equipment not correctly stored away. There is also a risk of injury from the chemicals which are present at a pool such as chlorine. Aquatic injury prevention should be part of any facilities risk management program. Risk management involves identifying and reducing dangerous conditions that can cause injuries and financial loss. Thus, the aim of a risk management is in a way a kind of preventative medicine, to tackle the issue of a problem thus ensuring that those kinds of accidents will not occur. There are some that would contend that those individuals that suffer an injury are unfortunate victims of circumstance. Many injuries can be avoided through an understanding of the factors that can cause injuries to occur and then a knowledge of how to go about preventing such situations to occur. Charles Bucher and March Krotee (1998) explain that there is an added risk in any physical education exercise as opposed to a regular class because the children are moving around and not sitting in a chair. The hiring of competent, qualified and certified employees in crucial not only for the planning but also for the conducting and supervising of activities. By making these simple efforts, the risk of injury can be minimized. Not only should the staff be up to par but also any equipment used as well as the facility being as safe as it could be. All coaches need to have fully up to date certificates and licenses. All necessary measures need to be taken to prevent any injuries from occurring and the correct level of supervision is crucial. Bucher and Krotee explain that the coach is required to act promptly in performing first aid and CPR and nothing more. Coaches should always show all necessary levels of care in their professional activities. The American Red Cross (1995) suggest that by understanding how injuries are caused, this will help prevent them from occurring by increasing the staff†s awareness of risks and hazards, helping patrons to avoid risky behavior and developing an attitude of safety at your facility. The Institute of Swimming Teachers and Coaches (April 1997) explain that by identifying not only what is a potential hazard but also assessing their risk level, and then evaluating whether or not all necessary precautions have been taken, this should help to prevent anyone getting injured. The ISTC, were not only referring to swimmers as potential victims but also to coaches, teachers, lifeguards, cleaning staff and receptionists. According to Bucher and Krotee, there is no doubt in today†s society that there are ever more increasing cases of teachers, coaches, schools and teams being sued in court. It seems as though lawyers are readily available, also the public are becoming much more aware of their rights, as far as what they should be protected from a safety standpoint. It is suggested that the risk of legal action can be minimized by following some simple steps. Collecting all pertinent facts about the health of your athletes. Purchasing only the best equipment form the most reputable dealers and acquiring used equipment from companies renowned for high quality reconditioned merchandise. Not laying the blame of an injury on anyone verbally but by carefully wording the exact nature of the injury and the preceding events on an accident report. Good supervision and instruction in very important. An emergency action plan should be drawn up, rehearsed and be ready to be activated at a moment†s notice. All necessary insurance precaution should be taken. Perhaps this is the most comforting defense for a coach. According to the United States Swimming, Inc. 1998 Insurance Summary, all swimmers registered with United States Swimming are covered by the USS Insurance policy as long as the injury suffered by the member was received during an approved activity under the policy. All USS swimmers are covered when they are participating in competitions, meets or events sponsored or sanctioned by USS, participating in organized, scheduled practice sessions and in organized, supervised travel to and from sponsored and sanctioned events or organized, supervised practice sessions. Anthony McCaskey and Kenneth Biedzynski (1996) explain that coaches are those principally the defendants in law suits as it is generally agreed that coaches have the most control of those individuals in their respective sports. A coach may be found negligent if he does not follow his duty to conform to a standard conduct that protects others from unreasonable risk of harm. Participants are termed as either those directly or indirectly under the control of the coach. You read "Risks and Responsibilities of Coaching" in category "Essay examples" Case law demonstrates that coaches responsibilities include: supervision, training and instruction, safe usage of all equipment, provided high quality assistants, warning of potential dangers, providing prompt and correct medical care, preventing injuries to competing athletes. The American Red Cross (1993) explain that lawsuits are becoming a concern for those giving care. Hence in the case of an emergency, the lifeguards and coaches are becoming increasingly apprehensive about giving care to victims of injuries. The American Red Cross suggests that by being aware of some basic legal principles, individuals may lessen the chances that they may later be found to be negligent in some area or another. All lifeguards have a duty to care. That is, they are legally bound to provide care to a injured party if the giving of such care is laid out in their job description. The rescuer should follow a reasonable standard of care and failure to do so may result in a chance of being found negligent. The Good Samaritan Laws protect anyone giving care as long as they are not negligent and they act in good faith. Consent should always be obtained from the individual. If the victim is an adult and they refuse care, one must not force care upon them. In the case of a child, the consent must be obtained form a parent or guardian. Any victim that is either unconscious or confused is assumed to give implied consent as it is assumed that if that person were fully aware of their predicament, they would accept the care that was offered. To obtain consent, the rescuer must identify themselves to the victim, give their level of training, explain what could be wrong and explain what care is planned. Once care is begun, a rescuer cannot stop giving care until advanced medical professional arrive at the scene. Confidentiality must also be observed. Only the facility or team spokesperson may speak to attorneys or the media . A rescuer should only speak with law enforcement officers and the rescue squad when it arrives. Finally, record keeping is essential. The documentation is considered to be almost as important as the care itself. Bucher and Krotte (1998) state that coaches and instructors are expected to carry out their activities with all necessary levels of care. If this is not the case, then they are leaving themselves open to a potential lawsuit filed against them for negligence. There is a requirement for the coach or instructor to take protective measures. Failure to do so will result in a lawsuit. In Roth versus New York (1942), all necessary measures were taken and a bather drowned after walking into deep water. There was nothing to stop this happening. The state was found to be liable. Bucher and Krotee explain that the failure to supervise correctly is the most commonly litigated situation. By having alert lifeguards and coaches, a facility can seriously reduce to chances of injuries occurring. According to the American Red Cross (1995), effective surveillance has four elements. The ability to recognize the ways in which a drowning or distressed swimmer behave in the pool. An example of this would be that a swimmers would have rhythmic breathing, relatively coordinated movements, have a horizontal body position and be making recognizable forward progress in the water. In contrast a distressed swimmer would be breathing but also be calling for help, waving and be making very little forward progress in the water, if any at all. A passive drowning victim would be considerably different to a swimmer. A Passive drowning victim would not be breathing, have no arm or leg movement, could be face down near the surface or in a submerged position and so obviously would be making no forward motion in the pool. Appropriate scanning techniques should also be employed to locate swimmers having problems in the pool. Lifeguards should be carefully and strategically placed throughout the facility. Each lifeguard should be fully aware of their responsibilities. Coaches are responsible for teaching swimmers all necessary skills to compete, the correct procedures to reduce the risks of injury and making sure that their swimmers are physically fit enough to compete. The failure to provide adequate training or instruction to reduce the risk of injury has been a commonly cited reason in recent litigation. Supervision is absolutely critical when the consequences of depriving the body of oxygen are considered. Soon after breathing stops, then too will the heart. After six minutes or so, brain damage is possible. Between six and ten minutes without breathing, brain damage is likely. If breathing is stopped for more than ten minutes, usually the brain damage is irreversible. Thus it is very important to be aware of the varying depths of water within the pool. In this way it is much easier to make sure that the children do not wander into water which is too deep for them. Also, this could help prevent spinal injuries from occurring by making patrons aware of when and where in the pool it is considered safe to dive. Without doubt, patron surveillance is one of the most important parts of a risk management strategy. The Certified Pool Operator (Fall 1997) states that it is very important to regulate the use of pools, by watching children and though constant supervision of the pool. The Institute of Swimming Teachers and Coaches (April 1997) mentioned that in some pools there may be blind spots resulting from the positioning of features, glares and reflections. All of these factors can hinder surveillance and so through careful planning, these problems should be attempted to be eliminated by strategic placing of lifeguards. This comes directly under the realms of a good risk management program. According to the Certified Pool Operator (Fall 1997), it is critical to identify areas of the pool that become slippery when wet. These range from the deck itself to corridors leading to and from the pool, locker rooms and snack areas. Communication can be used as a tool for helping to prevent injury and so is considered another ‘gear in the engine†of risk management. Patrons need to be made aware of potentials for injury. They also need to be educated as to the risks from inappropriate behavior. All rules and regulations necessary for the prevention of injuries need to be forcibly enforced. Signs are needed to warn pool users of danger areas. Since spinal injuries are more common in individuals visiting facilities for the first time and so are unaware of shallow areas. The side of the pool itself needs to be mark both on the deck it self and on the side of the wall facing the water to warn swimmers in the pool as to the changing depth of the water that they are in. In addition to signs depicting â€Å"No Diving†and the depth of the water, facility rules and regulations should also be clearly displayed. Running should never take place around the pool. As the side of the pool gets wet, it become treacherous. Signs should be posted prohibiting to consumption of food and drinks in and around the pool. There is the obvious potential for injury from broken glass on the pool deck or in the pool from bottles that are accidental dropped on the pool side. Pool rules are not designed to prevent the patrons from having fun but more so to allow them to have fun in a hopefully relatively risk free environment. The pool rules should be displayed clearly on the wall of the pool. There are many great examples of pool rules, on would be that diving is only permitted in diving designated areas. The deck needs to be checked daily for loose floor materials. There is also a risk for standing water on the deck itself. All such findings should be immediately reported to the facility manager. The deck should be kept clear of equipment and anything else that could be a potential hazard. The American Red Cross (1992) recommends that in areas where the water is less than five feet deep, there should be signs clearly stating ‘Danger-Shallow Water- No Diving†. It is suggested that these signs are close to the edge of the pool in contrasting colors to the pool deck. If starting blocks are removable, they should be during recreational periods and should be stored in a safe location. If they are not easily removable, then they should be coned off or clearly marking as out of use to recreational swimmers. All kick boards and pull buoys should be stored away in their correct location and not left strewn about the pool deck. Any item left on the pool deck is a hazard. Any risk management program would include keeping the deck clear of obstructions. The American Red Cross (1988) states that all rescue and first aid equipment should inspected on a regular basis. This equipment should also be easily accessible. Any piece of equipment that is found to be damaged in any way should be removed, repaired or replaced immediately. Following an emergency, all equipment that is used should be replaced promptly. Other areas should also be checked on a regular basis, such as the showers, locker rooms and restrooms which should be kept clean and hazard free. Coaches are also responsible for taking all necessary measures to ensure that all equipment used by their swimmers is of an adequate standard. This issue is far more critical in a contact sport such as football where inadequate padding may lead to serious injury. Anyone working with chlorine should wear protective clothing such as gloves, goggles and clothing covering the rest of the body to minimize the risks of chlorine coming in contact with the naked flesh. Chlorine can enter the blood via absorption through the skin. Direct contact with the eyes can cause severe injuries. The American Red Cross (1995) terms chemical hazards as harmful or potentially harmful substances in and around the pool. Storage areas of chemicals should be clearly marked hence warning both staff and patrons of possible dangers. The doors to such storage areas should be kept locked. Any suspicious odors in these regions should be reported immediately. The American Red Cross (1992) recommend storing all chemicals and chemical testing kits in child proof containers and out of children†s reach. Every year many individuals are injured from diving related injuries. These injuries are usually caused by collisions with the bottom and sides of the pool. Thus it is of paramount importance that coaches and instructors take all precautions to prevent such injuries form occurring. Diving should not be taught unless all necessary safety equipment in readily available such as a back board and staff trained in spinal injury management are present. Coaches should make sure that all swimmers are educated in the obvious safety precautions. Never dive when someone else is in the water in front of you. All dives should be of a flat nature. All swimmers should enter the water fingers first and not head first, thus helping to cushioning the blow should the swimmer crash into the floor if the pool. Never hold or position objects in the pool. A great example as to why it important to keep the diving area clear of obstructions is given by the American Red Cross (1992), which referred to the case Bill Brooks. One day, he dived into a pool and hit his head on an inner tube. He could remember laying face down in the water and being unable to move. Brooks, who once played college baseball, is now a C5 quadriplegic and will never walk again. The best protection against possible injuries is an informed, safety-conscious swimmer. The Certified Pool Operator (Fall 1997) stated that in a typical year there are about 400 events that result in a quadriplegic injury in aquatic environments. According to the CPO, a quarter of these occurred in pools. The article went onto explain that 95% of the pool related injuries occurred in the shallow ends of pools. Through careful supervision and prudent coaching, swimmers can be educated as to safe methods of entry into shallow water. The Swimming Times (1997) suggests that the depth of the water should be taken into account in relation to the ability and height of the pupils. Hence, none swimmers should not be taught in water that is ten feet deep and likewise, competitive swimmers should not be coached in shallow water. McCaskey and Biedzynski (1996) swimming incident rates come be totally eliminated if swimmers did not use racing dives into shallow water during practice or meets. According to McCaskey and Biedzynski, there has not been a direct injury in college swimming since a non-fatal one in 1982. The American Red Cross (1995) reveals that sports related injuries account for 13% of all spinal injuries. These figures were derived from the National Spinal Cord Injuries Data Base. According to the American Red Cross, about 1000 people each year suffer spinal injuries from diving mishaps. The American Red Cross suggests the following ways to help prevent the occurrence of such injuries. The water depth should always be ascertained before entering. Only trained swimmers should be using the starting blocks. Coaches should be aware of these aspects and make sure they correctly supervise their swimmers during warm ups at competitions and at practice. All these measures mentioned so far in the paper appear to be obvious, but unless they are adhered to tightly then mishaps can occur. It is not worth gambling with your swimmers†health. If a suspected spinal injury occurs, then the area must be stabilized and immobilized. There are certain situations when a spinal injury must always be assumed to have occurred. It is always better to be safe than sorry. If proper precautions are not taken when caring for injured victims, then that lack of risk management leaves the coach and facility open to legal action. A spinal injury should be assumed for any injury involving a diving board, diving into shallow water, a fall from a height greater than that of the victim†s height. Also any visible bumps or depressions to the head, altered consciousness or complaints of back or neck pain from the victim. In some cases, the victim may be face down in the water. Although, the victim should be moved as little as possible following a suspected spinal injury, in this situation, the victim needs to be removed form the water. If the victim is not removed, drowning will take place, the heart will stop and soon there after, brain damage will occur. The American Red Cross First Aid Manual (1993) explains that head injuries can rupture blood vessels in the brain causing pressure to build up leading to brain damage. The American Red Cross (1992) describes the typical recipient of a diving injury as a first time visitor to a location, not warned by a sign about the potential dangers, when lifeguards were not present and the water depth was less than four feet deep. Any good risk management program could dramatically reduce the risk of this kind of injury. By having vigilant lifeguards, water depths clearly marked and no diving signs clearly posted on the deck, most of the risk can be reduced. These are all components of a well rounded risk management program. Since most spinal injuries occur when a person dives into water less than five feet deep, on arriving at a pool, a coach should check the poolside for all relevant safety warnings and make his swimmers aware of this risks. The facility staff should also be highly alert at all times. All pools should have an emergency action plan. The EAP should explain exactly what procedure should be followed in the event of an aquatic emergency. The initiation of the EAP is the responsibility of the lifeguard. A typical signal to all pool patrons and staff is three long blows of a whistle. This would draw the attentions of the other pool patrons and then they would be more easily removed from the water for the protection of the victim. Also, other staff members throughout the building would be alerted of the EAP being activated. The next stage is to begin whatever rescue or emergency action that needs to be taken. After determining the nature and extent of the emergency, another lifeguard or staff member will call the police, fire or rescue squad as necessary. The emergency number is usually 911 but may vary from area to area. If the pool a which you coach is in a new area, it is your responsibility to make sure that you are fully aware of the number to call in the event of an emergency. The required first aid should be continued be given to the victim until advanced medical care arrives. Once care is commenced, it cannot be withdrawn, if it is, this constitutes abandonment which is a liable situation. Once advanced medical care arrives, all necessary accident reports are filled and the aid in crowd control. More often than not, only one person is designated as the spokesperson for a facility. This person and this person only is allowed to talk to anyone except for the police and the rescue squad. The Institute of Swimming Teachers and Coaches (April 1997) explains that whether or not a pool operator believes that his pool is a high or low risk facility, it is essential to have an emergency action plan. According to the ISTC, an emergency is anything considered to of danger to a bather or employee. The following all come under that general description. Overcrowding is a situation where too many people are in a confined area. This could be fatal in a swimming pool. A good risk management program would outline maximum numbers for a pool. These levels would be set well below that of over crowding, hopefully eliminating this risk. Disorderly behavior is also a common cause of emergencies. With vigilant surveillance and firm enforcing of pool rules and regulations, this too could be eliminated as a risk. Lack of water clarity will occur when the chemical levels in pool be out of balance. This too is a liability. If a child dives into water which he assumes to be deep but is in fact shallow, this could lead to a lawsuit. Especially because of the fact that the water clarity may have directly affected that child†s judgement. The ISTC explains that as a coach, it is your responsibility to know how to raise the alarm, how to get help form other staff members, how to initiate the appropriate rescue, who should summon the emergency services and so on. Qualified lifeguards are trained to act as a team in the case of an emergency, thus it is crucial for a coach or instructor to be able to contribute positively to an emergency situation. The Institute of Swimming Teachers and Coaches (May 1997) states that teachers and coaches must be trained in what to do in the case of an emergency and in turn should make the pupils understand and be aware of the procedures involved in the EAP. The pupils needs to know where to congregate in case of an emergency and possibly if they will be required to stand near a particular doorway to attract the attention of the advanced medical care when it arrives. The Institute of Swimming Teachers and Coaches (1996) stated that 93% of the schools in a survey had a formal emergency action plan. Two schools stated that they did not have one. Most of the schools in this survey had had swimming as part of their curriculum for more than six years. Coaches and other facility staff should go through regular in service days to rehearse emergency procedures. The emergency action plan should be rehearsed most importantly. For this procedure is what could make the difference between life and death for a victim. In service training should cover the following points: review the potential hazards at the facility, review and update rules and regulations, practice the emergency action plan , practice rescue skills, carry out physical conditioning. Following an emergency, an accident report needs be filled out by the members of staff involved. The facility information such as address and phone number. Personal data of the injured party should also be included: name, age, sex, address. The location of the incident should be included as well as the a description of the incident. It is very important to include what care was provided; was medical attention welcomed by the victim or refused? All of these issues are very important as law suits are far too prevalent in this day and age. Remember, consent must be obtained from the victim. To obtain this, the care provider must identify himself to the victim, give his level of training, explain what he thinks is wrong and then explain what he plans to do. If the victim refuses care, the care provider must try to convince the victim to receive care. According to the American Red Cross (1993), record keeping is nearly as important as the actual care given. The record is a legal document and is vital if legal action is taken. Risk management is an important function of a sport program. A coach should be fully aware of all legal and ethical responsibilities that come with his position. Any form of negligence on his or her behalf resulting in increased risks of injury can lead to the increased chances of legal action. Risk management is not only concerned with limiting the chance of injuries being suffered but also reducing the chances of financial losses following such an incident. Coaches†Quarterly (1998) states that effective in 1998, all United States Swimming coaches must have the following qualifications: Safety Training for Swim Coaches, First Aid and CPR. The Certified Pool Operator (1997) blames the individuals for their careless behavior. According to the article, pools are becoming safer. The main reasons for injuries today are victim†s carelessness. In a perfect world no one would need to know rescue techniques. Everyone would be careful, and safety would not be a problem. But ours is not a perfect world. Because of dangerous situations, careless or carefree people, and changing water conditions, many dangers are in and around water. Risk management in a pool environment is basically concerned with aquatic injury prevention. A highly developed risk management program will substantially reduce the risks of injury. By understanding how injuries are caused, one can better prevent them. Effective communication with patrons is critical for helping to prevent injuries. Through this communication, the patrons can have fun in a safer environment. How to cite Risks and Responsibilities of Coaching, Essay examples
Thursday, April 30, 2020
The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros Essay Example For Students
The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros Essay English, 6th Period October 31, 2000 The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros Essay is one of the finest childrens book ever composed. It portrays a young girls life through normal occasions, with simple descriptions. The young girl, Esperanza, enters her own authority and arranges herself to what she will become. The chapters are brilliantly written in the order of a child remembrance of events or people. We will write a custom essay on The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now My favorite chapter is Elenita, Cards, Palm Water. Esperanza hires Elenita, a witch woman, to perform a fortune analysis in seek of information about a house. Elenita revealed information about home in the heart. Esperanza inferred this to be news of a new house made of heart. The actions in this chapter are basically realistic. The author is able to present a visual representation of an actual fortune reading, with a perfect balance of future perception and pure humor. I imagined a old, Latino, Catholic woman in her own home reading my fortune as I read this chapter. And children were watching Bugs Bunny on TV. Papa Who Wakes Up Tired in the Dark is a chapter that I can relate to. Esperanzas grandfather passes away and her father delivers this news. Esperanza notices her fathers emotions of pain and grief because it was extremely uncommon for her father to expose these feelings. My own grandmother passed on from a heart attack and my father was the messenger. After informing me of this unfortunate news he emotionally collapsed. I, like Esperanza, did not know what to do next, as this was rare. So, I allowed him to grieve without any interruption. . The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros Essay Example For Students The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros Essay English, 6th Period October 31, 2000 The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros Essay is one of the finest childrens book ever composed. It portrays a young girls life through normal occasions, with simple descriptions. The young girl, Esperanza, enters her own authority and arranges herself to what she will become. The chapters are brilliantly written in the order of a child remembrance of events or people. My favorite chapter is Elenita, Cards, Palm Water. Esperanza hires Elenita, a witch woman, to perform a fortune analysis in seek of information about a house. Elenita revealed information about home in the heart. Esperanza inferred this to be news of a new house made of heart. The actions in this chapter are basically realistic. The author is able to present a visual representation of an actual fortune reading, with a perfect balance of future perception and pure humor. I imagined a old, Latino, Catholic woman in her own home reading my fortune as I read this chapter. We will write a custom essay on The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now And children were watching Bugs Bunny on TV. Papa Who Wakes Up Tired in the Dark is a chapter that I can relate to. Esperanzas grandfather passes away and her father delivers this news. Esperanza notices her fathers emotions of pain and grief because it was extremely uncommon for her father to expose these feelings. My own grandmother passed on from a heart attack and my father was the messenger. After informing me of this unfortunate news he emotionally collapsed. I, like Esperanza, did not know what to do next, as this was rare. So, I allowed him to grieve without any interruption. .
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