Sunday, January 26, 2020
Strategies for Internationalisation
Strategies for Internationalisation EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The report looks at the entry strategies available for an organization wishing to internationalize. It describes the internationalization strategy; the risks associated with it, and give examples of the type of businesses that are suitable for each type of strategy. Globalization is the process by which regional, economies, societies and cultures have become integrated through a global network of communication, transportation and trade.(Wikipedia 21 nov,2010) Advancements in technology like the internet, television and other communication tools have driven markets to be more integrated. Customers demands the world over, are becoming more similar with each day, hence the convergence of markets. Unlike in the past, a person in India can buy a product from any part of the world; it does not necessarily have to be made in India. The procurement of products or services from an independent supplier or company owned subsidiaries located abroad for consumption in the home country or third country is called global sourcing. CAVUSGIL at al. (2008) international business 1st edition. New Jersey; Pearson Prentice Hall. This ability of individuals and companies to buy products from any part of the world has taken competition to a different level because a firm in Zambia has to take all companies in the world producing products similar to its own as competitors despite geographic dispersion. With competition being on a global scale, firms cannot afford to just serve one market. They have to either offer its current products to a new market, or come up with new products for its current, or for a new market in order to mitigate risk of loss if conditions become adverse in one market. Before a company internationalizes, it must first assess if it is ready, and which countries have attractive markets. It must follow the order of:- Analyzing its readiness to internationalize, Assessing the suitability of its products and services for foreign markets, Screening countries to identify attractive target markets, Assessing the industry market demand for its products or services in the selected target market Selecting qualified business partners, like distributors and suppliers, and Estimating the companys sales potential in the target market. CAVUSGIL at al. (2008) international business 1st edition. New Jersey; Pearson Prentice Hall. The process where a company decides to increase its current market is called market penetration. Market penetration as a strategy has low risk because the firm is operating in a market it is familiar with, and selling products that customers already know. This strategy is supported by a lot of advertising and promotional activities; for example a firm can lure customers to buy more of its products by offering a promotion of buy 1 and get 1 free. This type of promotion is common especially for products that are sold in grocery stores or supermarkets. A firm can also increase market share by offering its products at prices lower than its competitors. This strategy can only work if a company has low costs due to purchasing, production or distribution economies of scale. A firm can increase its market share by acquiring smaller competitors in the industry. This strategy is ideal when a product reaches its maturity stage and the market is saturated and profit margins are low due to high competition. SABMiller took over Grupo Empresarial which was its competitor in South America, to become the second largest player in the market. The main strategies that firms use to internationalize are outlined below. EXPORTING If the market in which a firm is currently operating is saturated or adverse conditions develop, it can consider offering its products in a different market- selling across its national borders in this case. The first option that a firm can choose is to export its products. Exporting means to ship goods or commodities to another country for sale, exchange, etc. With exporting, the firm produces goods in its home country and sells them abroad. ( 20.20hrs, 13.11.10). a firm simply has to find distribution partners in the country where its exporting, to supply that particular market. The firm has little control in the international market, and it does not commit time or resources for the international market, it simply ships its products to that country and from there they are at the mercy of the distributor. An example of a company that exports its products is Zambia Sugar PLC (ZMSG). It produces the sugar from Mazabuka, its headquarters in Zambia, supplies the home m arket and exports the excess sugar to the European Union. The problem with exporting is that the firm has little control over its product, and it is not there physically to position its product in the market. How successful it is in the international market depends on the distributor, and also how good the product is for word of mouth to work as a way marketing. Exporting is mainly used by firms that do not have the resources to set up a physical presence in an international market. Additionally, management does not have to commit time to manage operations in the international market as it is all left in the hands of the distributor. Firms also export because of unsolicited orders from abroad. An example is of Vellus Products, Inc. this is a small company based in the United States that makes pet grooming products. CAVUSGIL at al. (2008) international business 1st edition. New Jersey; Pearson Prentice Hall. This company got orders from Taiwan, England etc. -countries where it had no establishments. Firms that are considering setting up a physical presence in an international market can use exporting as a way of testing the market. If the products sell well in the international market, then it can go ahead and set up its infrastructure. INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIVE VENTURES Another way a firm can internationalize is through international collaborative ventures. A collaborative venture is a partnership between two or more firms, and includes equity joint venture as well as, project based nonequity ventures. CAVUSGIL at al. (2008) international business 1st edition. New Jersey; Pearson Prentice Hall. For example, the Japanese electronics company Sony Corporation and the Swedish Telecommunications company Ericsson formed a joint venture in 2001 to form a new company called Sony Ericsson. The reason for the venture is to combine expertise to produce superior products. Both companies have stopped making their own mobile phones and focus on the joint venture. This type of venture is an equity venture, where no one party possess all of the assets needed to exploit an available opportunity(CAVUSGIL at al. (2008) international business 1st edition. New Jersey; Pearson Prentice Hall.) A non equity or project based venture is a partnership formed specifically for a project which has a well defined timetable, without creating a new legal entity(CAVUSGIL at al. (2008) international business 1st edition. New Jersey; Pearson Prentice Hall.) ZCON and group 7 CONSTRUCTION are two companies that have come together to work on a project of setting up a shopping mall in Zambia. The project has a well defined time table and the two companies know when they are supposed to end the partnership. CONSORTIUM This is a project based and usually non equity venture with multiple partners fulfilling a large scale project. It is normally formed with a contract with well defined rights, roles and obligations. (CAVUSGIL at al. (2008) international business 1st edition. New Jersey; Pearson Prentice Hall.) LICENCING Licensing is an agreement in which the owner of intellectual property grants another firm the right to use that property for a specified period of time in exchange for royalties or other compensation. (CAVUSGIL at al. (2008) international business 1st edition. New Jersey; Pearson Prentice Hall.) This is another method a firm can use to internationalize. The firm becomes the licensor in this case and firm in that uses its intellectual property is the licensee. The licensee pays a fee called royalties to the licensor for using the intellectual property. The licensor from time to time, chips in to advise the licensee and provide support. The licensor has a bit more control over its products in the international market using this method. The risks of internationalizing a higher using licensing compared to exporting. An example of a license agreement is of the company coca-cola. It is found in most, if not all countries of the world, but in most of them it operates under license. A local bottling company can produce and distribute coca-cola products on the licensors behalf. The advantage of this strategy is that it does not require investment in the international market, but it is a source of cash through royalties paid in. FRANCHISING This is an arrangement in which the firm allows another the right to use an entire business system in exchange for fees, royalties, or other forms of compensation. (CAVUSGIL at al. (2008) international business 1st edition. New Jersey; Pearson Prentice Hall.) . the firm allowing another , the use of its business system is called the franchisor while the one using the firms business system is the franchisee. with franchising, the franchisor has to be more committed as compared to licensing, in supporting the franchisee, because the entire business system (production, marketing, sales name and right for products patents and trademarks) is being used. The franchisor has to fully monitor the operations of the franchisee and make sure they are in line with the agreed procedures of operating. Examples of firms that have franchise agreements are McDonalds, Subway, Debonnairs Pizza. TURNKEY CONTRACTING This is an arrangement where the focal firm or a consortium of firms plans, finances, organizes, manages and implements all phases of a project abroad and then hands it over to a foreign customer after training local personnel. (CAVUSGIL at al. (2008) international business 1st edition. New Jersey; Pearson Prentice Hall.) BUILD-OPERATE-TRANSFER ARRANGEMENTS (BOT) This is an arrangement in which the firm or a consortium of firms contracts to build a major facility abroad, operate it for a specified period, and then hand it over to the project sponsor, typically the host country government or public utility. (CAVUSGIL at al. (2008) international business 1st edition. New Jersey; Pearson Prentice Hall.) MANAGEMENT CONTRACTS This is an arrangement in which a contractor supplies managerial know how to operate a hotel, resort, hospital, airport or other facility in exchange for compensation. (CAVUSGIL at al. (2008) international business 1st edition. New Jersey; Pearson Prentice Hall.) LEASING This is where a focal firm (the leasor) rents out machinery or equipment to corporate or government clients abroad (leasee). (CAVUSGIL at al. (2008) international business 1st edition. New Jersey; Pearson Prentice Hall.) this is common in the aircraft business where manufacturers lease out the aircraft to airline companies. FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT (FDI) The most involving method of entering an international market is through foreign direct investment. With this method, a firm either sets up its infrastructure in an international market (Greenfield investment) as opposed to acquiring an existing company. (CAVUSGIL at al. (2008) international business 1st edition. New Jersey; Pearson Prentice Hall.) a firm builds new manufacturing, marketing, or administrative facilities. Alternatively, a firm can acquire another, already existing firm and takes over its operations in the market. An example of this is Airtel in the telecommunications industry, under the Bharti group. It recently took over all Zain operations in the African market. With FDI, the firm commits its time and resources fully in the international market. It has a physical presence and has direct access to the firms stakeholders. FDI is the riskiest of all the types of internationalization strategies because of the level of resource commitment. The firm faces; Cultural risk. This is where a cultural miscommunication puts some human value at risk. A firm has to try to study and understand the culture in the country where it chooses to set up operations. Country risk. Any changes in the political, legal, economic or environmental aspects in the country that would have adverse effects on the operations and profitability of a company. Currency risk. This is the risk of adverse fluctuations in exchange rates. Commercial risk. This is a firms potential loss from poorly developed or executed business strategies, tactics or procedures. Currency risk. A firm faces the risk of loss of profits due to fluctuating exchange rates. The devaluation of a currency can have a negative impact on a companys profits. All of the above risks affect firms that use FDI as an entry strategy, unlike the other forms of entry that are only affected by one or two of the risks. The main features of foreign direct investment are that; It has greater resource commitment It implies global presence and operations It allows the firm to achieve global scale efficiency Firms involved In FDI strive to behave in socially responsible ways. When selecting an FDI location, a firm must look at a number of factors; The country it wishes to invest in should have a market large enough to support its growth and give enough returns for the firm to continue operating. China for example, is a large market because of its population, and top of that, its an emerging market so it has a lot of growth opportunities. The country should be close to the firms targeted customers to reduce on distribution expenses. Proximity the firms source of raw materials is also important The country should have low political, cultural, and currency risk as compared to other FDI country options. Economic factors such as tax, interest and exchange rates, are important factors for the firm to consider because theyll determine the level of availability of cash for company operations. Before a firm decides which type of entry strategy it wishes to use, it has to consider the amount of resources it is willing to commit and the level of risk It Is willing to take. How good a strategy is, is determined by the goals the firm wants to achieve. Different industries favor different entry strategies. for example a firm may want to reduce its costs so it can consider investing in countries endowed with natural resource that are input materials for the firm, it can invest in a country with low labor cost. Effects Industrial- emergence of worldwide production markets and broader access to a range of foreign products for consumers and companies, particularly movement of materials and goods between and within boundaries. Financial- emergence of worldwide financial markets and better access to external financing for borrowers Economic- realization of a global common marketplace based on the freedom of exchange of goods and capital. Informational-increase in information flows even between geographically remote areas. This is a technological change including fiber optic communications, satellites, telephone and internet. Competition- survival in the new global business market calls for improved productivity an increased competition ( CONCLUSION In conclusion, there is no best way of entering an international market. It all depends on the type of products an organization produces, the resources it is willing to commit in the new market, the risks it is willing to take, and the barriers that are in the new market
Friday, January 17, 2020
Police misconduct Essay
Police misconduct majorly refers to the various actions that the police officers (force) involve in their line of duty which are actually objectionable or questionable. Some of these activities are carrying out brutality, indulging in corrupt activities, falsely arresting various individuals without any basis, cooking evidence so as to justify the arrest of certain persons who might be actually not guilty, intimidation of the public in a number of ways, taking sides in the political arena so as to favor a given politician for instance the incumbent president, abusing various individuals sexually and also enhancing other forms of abuse. Generally, police misconduct has been a serious problem world wide. A good amount of effort has been put in place so as to combat this problem but due to certain problems like the culture of resistance to change by individuals and organizations it has been very challenging. In this paper, the stand that I will take with respect to the topic is that police misconduct is indeed a very significant issue in policing as it was in the time of Serpico as described in the book ââ¬ËSerpicoââ¬â¢ written by Peter Mass. This means that it is a very important issue that must be addressed to ensure that policing in both developing and the developed countries occurs in a manner that is expected. Significant as it is, police misconduct determines a number of things in this area of service including how the civilians view and respond to the work of the police. Police misconduct is actually different from police corruption. As mentioned above, police misconduct deals with outright brutality and various things that the policemen do as they work (in their line of duty) which are actually can be questioned or objected. Some of these things or activities actually go against human rights. On the other hand, police corruption refers to a given category or example of police misconduct that is normally basically tailored towards availing financial benefits to the concerned officers. This can also lead to the advancement of police officersââ¬â¢ careers due to not pursuing or selectively pursuing an arrest or investigation. Some examples of police corruption include: soliciting or accepting bribes so as to allow certain individuals to carry on with something which is unlawful, use of falsified evidence to secure the convictions of certain suspects. This mounts to breaching the police code of conduct. Both police misconduct and police corruption are related to each other because both of them are actually done in the same way, it is only that one of them is an example of the other one which is relatively wide. Both of them are actually, the subject matter of these theses. There are a number of contemporary issues as regards police misconduct. Even though this is a real problem in the current world, various governments have not been very keen or serious with putting in place stringent measures to fight it. Some governments have, however, tried to put in place some measures but the concerned officers continue to enhance this vice. Police misconduct has resulted in very serious consequences which includes unfair death of innocent individuals e. g. In January 1997, A thirty four year old man who was not armed was carelessly shot dead by a Rhode Island police officer after a low speed car chase, having been just suspected of driving a stolen car. Another issue is that this misconduct of police has led numerous situations where the citizensââ¬â¢ rights are adversely violated by police officers for instance, some of these very innocent citizens are normally tortured, seriously beaten, or even struck to a degree that is not commensurate to the punishment for the crime they are being suspected to have committed and this is normally done when some of them are out rightly not guilty. It is important to note that even though police misconduct is actually rampant in many stations, we have not lost the fight against it.à It is still very possible to cub this practice. This can be achieved when individuals, governments and even the officers themselves just organize themselves as it is currently in the United States and purpose to do away with this vice. The specific topic under discussion here is that police misconduct is very significant an issue in policing as it was in the time of Serpico as described in the book ââ¬ËSerpicoââ¬â¢ written by Peter Mass. There are a number of issues that actually qualify police misconduct as very significant. It is real or true that this is a serious problem in the United States currently and even world over that actually affects us and consequently needs to be solved. There is no police department world over that is actually free of misconduct yet police officers are very important for the provision of security in all nations world wide. It means that this is a real problem that is actually with us and affects certain things in our day to day lives making it significant. This vice therefore has to be fought both locally and internationally. It is also important to note that the departments of justice has in a way contributed to this seriousness because in some cases, they have failed to prosecute officers who are proved to have indulged in police misconduct. The law that is operational in many countries also does not clearly define how to handle this problem. It is apparent that policing is a very important requirement of enforcing law so as to facilitate day to day activities anywhere yet police brutality and misconduct has brought a hindrance to proper, good or professional law enforcement. All the officers are normally well trained before they are allowed to practice policing yet the manner in which they carry themselves in this profession is so wanting. It is naturally expected that once these officers have undergone good training, then they should exercise a high level of discipline as they execute their duties. It is therefore a disappointment seeing them operate in a very indiscipline manner invoking the need to consider what should be done so as to put things right with respect to this. Therefore makes police misconduct a significant issue (United States Commission on Civil Rights. 1979). The significance of the above is also seen through consideration of how it contributes to corruption in large scale in various states or largely countries. Corruption is a vice that really contributes to loss of numerous resources which should otherwise be used to enhance the development of various countries or cities especially the developing countries. Through police misconduct, some of the dues that are supposed to be received by the government directly for development e. g. through taxes end up unfairly in the hands of few individuals who use it in unwanted ways. This to a larger extent contributes to underdevelopment especially in developing countries where police misconduct is actually rampant. One of the major roles of policing is to ensure that democracy is maintained in a country or state, for that matter. This involves among other things protection of the rights of citizens e. g. the right of speech so as to ensure that they command a good public trust (Champion, Dean J. (2001). In a freely democratic state, individuals are in a position of speaking out or sharing what they know and desire freely without any unnecessary restrictions i. . the freedom of speech is practical. In the past, police officers have interfered with democracy in many states in a way especially during electioneering periods in which they lean on only one side of the political divide ending up favoring it over then other. In such cases, police officers have unconstitutionally prevented individuals from contributing to chatting the way forward on certain political issues at hand especially if there is a somewhat serious problem or crisis. Such matters are normally national and so affect a lot of things in the state. This also explains why police misconduct is significant and should actually be seriously looked into (Archbold, Carol. (2004). It is also important to note here that each and every worker or rather civil servant in the current world is normally expected to achieve certain set goals and objectives(job requirements) stated by performance contracting in certain states. Likewise, policing in its mandate of enhancing law enforcement should meet certain standards that have been set for them. Research has, however, shown that most officers in the police force are actually very far from achieving the standards that have been set for them. This poor performance is majorly contributed to by the police misconduct which includes brutality, corruption among other things. As a result of this, a number of things that are supposed to be achieved by them do not come to pass. This also explains why police misconduct is really significant and so a number of ways should be suggested to ensure that it is checked and managed. In the book ââ¬ËSerpicoââ¬â¢ a number of incidences transpire which show out rightly how police misconduct occurred in this episode. At some point it is evident that even though police officers are brought to a number of issues that they should respond to, they actually ignore and not act upon them after all (Tomasi. (2005). This is shown on page 14 of the book where key municipal and police officials are brought to allegations with an evidence by Serpico which they are actually supposed to act upon but up to this point, they fail to do so. ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ and key municipal and police officials at last admitted under oath that, despite the specific allegations brought to them by Serpico, they had in fact done nothing. .. â⬠(pg 14). In another incident, we come across a situation where an individual is literally shot for some crime that was supposedly committed. According to the code of conduct of policing, no officer is supposed to shoot to kill save for specific circumstances which are actually entrenched in the law (Finn, Peter. (2001). For instance if an individual is actually in confrontation with a polic e officer in a given scenario yet he or she is not armed then the officer should not even attempt to shoot. This excerpt suggests that the person was actually shot only that the bullet deviated from original line of fire which would otherwise paralyzed the personââ¬â¢s arms. ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ If the bullet continued along its original line of fire, it would have struck the upper part of his spinal cord, paralyzing his arms and legs â⬠¦ â⬠pg 20. There are also cases in which police officers are involved in overreaction to gang problems. This is driven by the assumption that those who associate with known gang members must be involved in criminal activity even in situations that there is evidence that this is not the case. Some of the things that the police officers do are mass stops and arrests of various people, demanding certain things from various people (like the youth) on the basis of their dress and race in stead of on the basis of their criminal conduct (Robinson, Paul H. , (2006). This actually amounts to breaching the code of conduct and professionalism of the police force currently and in the book ââ¬Å"Serpicoâ⬠. With regard to comparing and contrasting contemporary issues pertaining police misconduct and Serpico, we can note that in both cases, this has led to a number of very serious consequences. One of these is unfair death or serious injury of very innocent individuals. This has consequently led to reduction in the labor that is needed by the state for instance in the civil service. This is because part of the labor may become lame due to torture or may simply be done away with due to death for instance through shooting (Mitchell, Richard H. (1992). Another thing is that in both cases, police misconduct has proved to be very challenging to control. A number of ways have been devised to curb this practice for example at some point in the Book; Serpico tries to challenge some people who are in the process of enhancing it. Though it is not very successful, at least something is done. ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ Peter Maas suggested that there was no point in his hanging around any longer. ââ¬Å"What do you mean? â⬠Serpico asked him, puzzled. ââ¬Å"Kid, it just canââ¬â¢t be,â⬠the detective said. â⬠¦ â⬠pg 98. BODY This paper is basically about my stand of showing that police misconduct is actually a significant issue and that ways should be devised to curb it. In the introduction above a number of cases have been highlighted that show how serious this practice actually is. A number of points will also be given in this section in support of the same From ââ¬ËSerpicoââ¬â¢ and other sources (Hinton, Valeska S. ; DeWolfe, Ruthanne. (1981). Police misconduct in a way contributes to underdevelopment e. g. in a country. This can occur if police officers constantly indulge in corrupt activities denying the state a good amount of revenues which can be allocated to develop various areas (United States. (2007). In ââ¬ËSerpicoââ¬â¢ a situation is described where one wants to give money to supposedly avert a given penalty. If the person is guilty he would be taken to court where he would likely produce some dues to the state. In this case, however, Serpico demonstrates his independence and no need of the money. ââ¬Å".. Serpico started up the car. ââ¬Å"No,â⬠he said blankly. ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢m really pretty independent. I donââ¬â¢t need the money. â⬠ââ¬Å"You sure? Realâ⬠¦ â⬠(pg 102). Corruption as discussed above is a real enemy to development and so its practice here makes police misconduct really significant. Indulgence in unnecessary torture and killing/shooting of citizens also leads to underdevelopment. This is because it interferes with labor which is very vital in a countryââ¬â¢s economy. A report ââ¬Å"police conduct reportâ⬠indicates how police officers involve in unnecessary killing of individuals in the name of carrying out a security operation in the area. The killed individuals would have played a major role in enhancing the economy and so their death was a loss as regards development (United States. , Congress. (2001). Police misconduct also contributes greatly to tainting professionalism in the practice of policing. This is very important in commanding public trust and enhancing efficiency of the practice. The book ââ¬ËSerpicoââ¬â¢ indicates an incident in which various officers who are supposed to act on an issue fail to do it at the required time after having been forwarded to them. This is a sign of non-professionalism. ââ¬Å".. municipal and police officials at last admitted under oath that, despite the specific allegations brought to them by Serpico, they had in fact done nothing.. â⬠pg 14. In another incident recorded in one of the papers in the US, a young man was ruthlessly shot dead by a Rhode Island police officer as he was driving on one of the roads in the city. This brother, who was actually not armed, was being suspected of having stolen a car. Proper professional police practice demands that in this case, the concerned is apprehended and a proper investigation is done. This brings out the significance because the practice actually interferes with the professionalism that is needed in the police force. It is also important to mention that police misconduct has contributed to the increase in crime hence insecurity of various properties in a state. This majorly occurs in situations where police officers liaise with criminals by receiving some cash from them and tolerating their criminal activities. This leads to a lot of insecurity in the areas of operation of these people. ââ¬ËSerpicoââ¬â¢ describes a situation in which a certain detective is reluctant to execute his duties as pertains to a given investigation (Maas, P, 2005). Serpico is being discouraged from staying any longer at the scene probably because Peter Maas has his own plans. ââ¬Å". 98 PETER MAAS suggested that there was no point in his hanging around any longer. ââ¬Å"What do you mean? â⬠Serpico asked him, puzzled. ââ¬Å"Kid, it just canââ¬â¢t be,â⬠the detective said. .â⬠Such kinds of negligence can really lead to more criminal activities. External evidence is a situation where it is recorded in one of the US paper archives that given police officers deliberately delayed or rather averted a case that they were handling having made an agreement with the concerned that they would be given a big sum of money if the case was done away with. It was unfortunate that this plan succeeded and so the criminals went scot free. The danger of this is that the criminals may opt to continue with their criminal activities hoping that the same would occur to them in future. This increases crime in a country and hence insecurity (BATFE. (2006).
Thursday, January 9, 2020
University Of New South Wales - 1397 Words
University of New South Wales CVEN9611 ââ¬âUrban Hydraulic Structures Assignment Stefan Felder Submitted by: Garth Cooper Student Number ââ¬â z3189074 Question 1 Toowoomba City is located 125km from Brisbane in Queensland on the Western side of the Great Dividing Range. It consists of two main creek catchments, east creek and west creek catchments. In January 2011 there was a main flooding event which caused a large flood event that is described as an ââ¬Å"Inland Tsunamiâ⬠. Figure 1 - Catchment map of Toowoomba identifying major hydraulic features. Source [1] The factors that contributed to the major storm was: â⬠¢ There was an initial rainfall even of 90mm which occurred over 24 hours before which caused the catchments to be fully saturated. As a result any major rainfall events would be converted directly into surface water runoff â⬠¢ Most of the catchments depicted in Figure 1 where fully urbanised which caused surfaces in the catchment to be impervious; that is very little runoff would infiltrate into the ground â⬠¢ There were intense rainfall events that occurred over the Gowrie creek catchment; with an event greater than a 100 year ARI storm experienced at the rainfall gauges â⬠¢ Due to the large intensities of rainfalls caused both East and West creeks to fill up. Due to both creeks flowing in the same direction no drainage could occur to Gworiee creek causing inundation shown in Appendix Figure 2 - Recorded Maximum rainfall intensities and Serveries in Toowoomba, 10Show MoreRelatedHearing Loss At The University Of New South Wales2058 Words à |à 9 PagesHearing loss is problem that can occur anywhere, one of the most common places where this can occur is at a concert. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Erving Goffmans Front Stage and Back Stage Behavior
In sociology, the terms front stage and back stage refer to different behaviors that people engage in every day. Developed by the late sociologist Erving Goffman, they form part of the dramaturgical perspective within sociology that uses the metaphor of the theater to explain social interaction. The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life Erving Goffman presented the dramaturgical perspective in the 1959 book The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. In it, Goffman uses the metaphor of theatrical production to offer a way of understanding human interaction and behavior. He argues that social life is a performance carried out by teams of participants in three places: front stage, back stage, and off stage. The dramaturgical perspective also emphasizes the importance of the setting, or context, in shaping the performance, the role of a persons appearance in social interaction, and the effect the manner of a persons behavior has on the overall performance. Running through this perspective is a recognition that social interaction is influenced by the time and place in which it occurs as well as by the audience present to witness it. It is also determined by the values, norms, beliefs, and common cultural practices of the social group or the locale where it occurs. Front Stage Behaviorââ¬âthe World Is a Stage The idea that people play different roles throughout their daily lives and display different kinds of behavior depending on where they are and the time of day is a familiar one. Most people, consciously or unconsciously, behave somewhat differently as their professional selves vs. their private or intimate selves. According to Goffman, people engage in front stage behavior when they know that others are watching. Front stage behavior reflects internalized norms and expectations for behavior shaped partly by theà setting, the particular role one plays in it, and by ones physical appearance. How people participate in a front stage performance can be highly intentional and purposeful, or it can be habitual or subconscious. Either way, front stage behavior typically follows a routinized and learned social script shaped by cultural norms. Waiting in line for something, boarding a bus and flashing a transit pass, andà exchanging pleasantries about the weekend with colleagues are all examples of highly routinized and scripted front-stage performances. The routines of peoples daily livesââ¬âtraveling to and from work, shopping, dining out, or going to a cultural exhibit or performanceââ¬âall fall into the category of front stage behavior. The performances people put on with those around them follow familiar rules and expectations for what they should do and talk about with one another in each setting. People also engage in front stage behavior in less public places such as among colleagues at work and as students in classrooms. Whatever the setting of front stage behavior, people are aware of how others perceive them and what they expect, and this knowledge tells them how to behave. It shapes not just what individuals do and say in social settings but how they dress and style themselves, the consumer items they carry around, and the manner of their behavior (assertive, demure, pleasant, hostile, etc.) These, in turn, shape how others view them, what they expect of them, and how they behave toward them. Put differently, French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu would say that cultural capital is a significant factor both in shaping front stage behavior and how others interpret the meaning of it. Back Stage Behaviorââ¬âWhat We Do When No Ones Looking When people engage in back stage behavior, they are free of the expectations and norms that dictate front stage behavior. Given this, people are often more relaxed and comfortable whenà back stage; they let their guard down and behave in ways that reflect their uninhibited or true selves. They cast off elements of their appearance required for a front stage performance, such as swapping work clothes for casual clothes and loungewear. They may even change how they speak and comport their bodies or carry themselves. When people are back stage, they often rehearse certain behaviors or interactions and otherwise prepare for upcoming front stage performances. They might practice their smile or handshake, rehearse a presentation or conversation, or prep themselves to look a certain way once in public again. So even back stage, people are aware of norms and expectations, which influence what they think about and do. In private, people behave in ways that they would never in public. However, even peoples back stage lives tend to involve others, such as housemates, partners, and family members. One may not behave as formally with these individuals than standard front stage behavior dictates, but they may not fully let down their guards either. Peoples back stage behavior mirrors the way actors behave in the back stage of a theater, the kitchen within a restaurant, or the employee only areas of retail shops. For the most part, how one behaves front stage significantly differs from an individuals back stage conduct. When someone ignores the expectations for front and back stage behaviors, it may lead to confusion, embarrassment, and even controversy. Imagine if a high school principal showed up to school in her bathrobe and slippers, for example, or used profanity while speaking with colleagues and students. For good reason, the expectations linked to front stage and back stage behavior influence most folks to work pretty hard to keep these two realms remain separate and distinct.
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